s. cunningham
S. Cunningham will always be remembered in the horror field
for directing what is considered the inspiration to thousands
of crazed slasher films, 'Friday the 13th.' It was produced
for a modest $500.000 and has grossed well over $70 million
to date. Born
1941, a New York native, Cunningham considered becoming a
doctor, but didn't want to actually practice medicine. |
graduated from Stanford University with a Master's Degree in Drama
and Film and began his career managing theatre companies around
the country, including productions at New York's Lincoln Center,
the Oregon Shakespeare Festival and at the Mineola Theatre on
Long Island. His first film was a semi-documentary entitled 'Together'.
directed a few exploitation titles before teaming with Wes Craven
on the controversial cult classic 'Last House on the Left.' The
film was a harsh and brutal tale of revenge and murder, based
on Ingmar Bergman's Virgin Spring.
a subsequent transition to comedy in 1977, Cunningham produced
and directed 'Here Come the Tigers' followed by 'Manny's Orphans'.
returned to horror in 1980 and hit pay dirt with a little slasher
film called Friday The 13th. Cunningham sold the film on its unique
title before he even had written a script or cast any actors,
the result would be one of the most highly successful if not the
longest running slasher film franchise, not to mention the most
heavily imitated.
Stranger is Watching' followed, garnering critical acclaim and
financial success. Next, Cunningham scored again with the hit
film 'Spring Break', a youth orientated comedywhich brought back
memories of college antics to people of all ages..
Craven he pretty much found success with a lucrative series yet
he has had a fair number of misses (Deep Star Six, My Boyfriend's
Back) to complement his hits.
latest venture will be the 'Freddy vs. Jason' movie which may
well indeed bring new life to his career as a horror director.
Freddy vs. Jason (1998)
[Director] aka Friday the 13th X (1996) (working title)
Jason Goes to Hell:
The Final Friday (1993) [Producer] aka Friday the 13th IX (1993)
My Boyfriend's Back
(1993) [Producer]
DeepStar Six (1989)
[Director] [Producer]
House II: The Second
Story (1987) [Producer]
House (1986) [Producer]
New Kids, The (1985)
[Director] [Producer] aka Striking Back (1985)
Spring Break (1983)
[Director] [Producer]
Stranger Is Watching,
A (1982) [Director]
Friday the 13th (1980)
Here Come the Tigers
(1978) [Director] aka Manny's Orphans (1978)
Case of the Full Moon
Murders (1974) [Director] [Producer] aka Case of the Smiling Stiffs
Last House on the Left
(1972) [Producer]
Together (1971) [Director]